We are War Child

A record 420 million children live in countries affected by armed conflict - that’s almost one in five children worldwide. And they are the ones who suffer most from the effects of war, violence and genocide. 

We believe that no child should be part of war. Ever.

In 2018...


We met the urgent needs of 216,903 children and adults

  • We worked with 53 partner organisations to help implement our programmes

  • We developed three new interventions in support of children - and pilot tested a further seven

  • We saw our income grow by €3.2 million compared to 2017

  • We employed 447 national and international staff to meet the needs of children worldwide

  • We received financial support from 45 institutions and foundations

  • We enjoyed the support of 90,000 structural donors

Can't Wait to Learn

Utilising technology to deliver quality education - wherever children have limited access to learning opportunities. Read on

War Child

New Methods for Effective Change

Developing an innovative new tool to meet the urgent mental health needs of children exposed to armed conflict. Find out how

Julio Barrera

Meet Our Ambassador

Michaela dePrince is a globally renowned ballerina - who escaped a civil war aged just four. 'I want to show children in war that they are not alone.'

Jeppe Schilder

Bridging the Education Gap

Working in coalition to meet the learning needs of refugee children and marginalised youth in Lebanon and Jordan. Read more

Andy Hall

Samuel is Learning to Live Without Fear

Many thousands of children have escaped violent instability in Burundi in search of safety in neighbouring states - children like Samuel. Find out how he is working to rebuild his strength and wellbeing.

Jeppe Schilder


Millions of children living in the midst of armed conflict face a number of existential threats to their safety and wellbeing. One particularly acute threat - and certainly an underreported one - is the immense toll exposure to violence takes on the mental health of children worldwide.   

"This mental health crisis could see an entire generation of children denied the right to a future free from fear and trauma."

Tjipke Bergsma, Managing Director War Child

These children experience feelings of fear, anxiety and depression on a daily basis - yet the vast majority of them are denied mental health support. The mental health ‘treatment gap’ is estimated to be 85 per cent for children living in low income countries - and in countries affected by armed conflict the figure is even higher.

No Opt-Out in Conflict

This mental health crisis could see an entire generation of children denied the right to a future free from fear and trauma. And these negative effects don’t end there. There are a record 420 million children currently living with the effects of armed conflict - children in an uncertain situation who may have no option but to participate in violence themselves simply to survive.

War Child works exclusively to improve the wellbeing of children living with violence and armed conflict. We act in partnership with children and their communities to deliver relevant and effective interventions - and confront the global mental health crisis head-on.  

Our Progress in 2018

We made significant progress towards these goals over the course of 2018. We continued to deliver vital psychosocial support for children affected by the civil war in Syria. New interventions were developed and tested in our countries of operation. Can’t Wait to Learn - our innovative tablet-driven education programme - expanded to deliver quality education to increasing numbers of children.   

"We will continue to advocate for vital psychosocial support to be included in international humanitarian responses."

Tjipke Bergsma, Managing Director War Child

Much has been achieved - yet the global mental health crisis will not be resolved any time soon. The terrible threat - that the current generation of children will be grow up to become a lost generation of adults - remains.

We will never be able to reach all of the world’s conflict-affected children by ourselves. But what we can do is campaign on their behalf and work with organisations around the world to bring about real, meaningful change.

War Child

Advocating for Psychosocial Support

We will continue to advocate for vital psychosocial support to be included in international humanitarian responses. We will continue our work to develop new interventions to tackle the mental health crisis - and make them available to organisations around the world.

We will do all this because no child should be part of war. Ever.

Tjipke Bergsma, Managing Director, War Child
Peter Bakker, Chair Supervisory Board, War Child