Our Strategy
Reaching More Children
The number of children affected by war and violence is reaching new highs - and the available funds to meet their needs are nowhere near enough. The nature of armed conflict is becoming increasingly unpredictable. And the challenges we have faced in recent years have grown in scale and complexity.
War Child reaches many thousands of children and youth every year - yet there are a record 420 million children living directly with the effects of violence and armed conflict. We can never reach them all by ourselves - which is why our strategic goal is to become the networked expert organisation for children affected by conflict.

This strategy will see us work together with organisations across the world to ensure our work has maximum reach and impact.
We are developing robust interventions - backed by evidence and research to meet the highest standards of quality - and we will share them with our network of partner organisations.
2020 Organisation Strategy
In 2018 we reached the mid-point of our journey - a year which saw us make continued progress towards the goals of our 2020 strategy.
Our work expanded to meet the specific needs of young people living with the effects of urban violence. We began to roll out initiatives to increase livelihoods opportunities for youth - particularly in our African countries.
The nine core interventions that make up our integrated War Child Care System were further developed and tested in our countries of operation.

Learning and Upscaling
We also took great strides towards becoming a true Learning Organisation with the launch of the War Child Learning World - an e-learning portal for everyone involved with our organisation.
Our efforts to create strategic partnerships to expand the scale of our work still have some distance to go. The year did see new organisations engage with our global coalition programmes TeamUp and Can’t Wait to Learn - and our participation in the Dutch Relief Alliance has continued - but elsewhere it has proven difficult to build new alliances.
We seek to contribute to positive change - on a social, cultural and environmental level - in everything we do. This commitment to social entrepreneurship manifests itself in many ways - through active efforts to promote hiring of local staff to sharing our expertise with local organisations around the world.