War Child in Sweden and Germany
War Child has three implementing offices - War Child Holland, War Child UK and War Child Canada. Each organisation was founded - and operates - independently but all share a common vision and dedication to supporting children and young people affected by armed conflict.
War Child Sweden is officially registered as a Swedish fundraising foundation - and in 2018 became the fourth member of the War Child family to implement its own programmes. The year saw the launch of two programmes to meet the needs of refugee children in Sweden - ‘Together’ and ‘Naturkraft’ - with financial support from automotive giant Scania and leading sports organisation Friskis & Svettis.
War Child Sweden also continued to expand its funding base during 2018. The year saw three new proposals for programme funding agreed with charitable foundations - putting in place firm foundations for future growth.

We worked to further expand our presence in Europe with our preparations to launch War Child Germany. The latest member of the War Child family will officially be registered as a limited liability company (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, GmbH) during the first quarter of 2019.
Our presence in Germany will open up access to significant new sources of funding and allow us to establish an expert relationship with government and civil society bodies. The coming year will see significant promotional activity to build awareness among the German public - and new programmes developed to support refugee children living in Germany.
War Child’s global presence is growing - strengthening our support for children and young people directly affected by violence and armed conflict.